Felicitas von Lutzau
Oktober 2011
60 cm x 90 cm
Inkjet-Print on Alu-Dibond in MAX AAB Frames
By documenting the movement of a flock in a long therm exposure, paths are turned into illustrative photographs.
The different motion patterns are both developed by established rules as well as by intuitive compositions.
The analog Photogtaophs are a studys of living instects, presented in an arranged cluster.
The photograms also show a long term exposure, movements and connections are shown in an aesthetic and scyentific way.
The video works show minimal maipulated typed of swarm behaviour.
Moths are flying through spotlight, drawing their flight paths like lines through the nightly sky, like a painting.
Fog particles are also transporting the feeling of a cluster.
Everything is connected to each other.
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